Learn more about California's new minimum auto insurance requirements.
Keep Your Future On Solid Ground
Depending on where you live, Earthquake Insurance may be the most important form of coverage for your home. However, most Homeowners Insurance policies don't cover damage caused by earthquakes. It’s important to be covered, especially if you live in an earthquake-prone area. Repairs can easily add up to thousands of dollars without reliable Earthquake Insurance.

Basic Coverages
Earthquake Insurance is a separate policy added onto your existing policy. Homeowners, condo owners, mobile home owners and renters often buy Earthquake Insurance to cover damages that may occur to personal belongings and for living expenses during repairs and rebuilding.

Additional Coverages
The California Earthquake Authority (CEA) offers a Homeowners Choice Policy, which allows you to have separate coverages for Dwelling and Personal Property. Ask an Insurance Specialist about what your state offers and what coverage is right for you.
Understanding Earthquake Insurance
It is important to protect your assets and your home from any damage caused by earthquakes. Remember that your policy is designed to cover the amount required to rebuild a dwelling, not its value including land.
What Does Earthquake Insurance Cover?
If an earthquake strikes your home and it sustains damages to the walls, ceiling, foundation or other structures, you will be covered. This coverage is subject to a deductible.
The structure of your home and the personal belongings within are protected by Earthquake Insurance. Jewelry, fine art, fixtures and flooring are covered as well, although high-value items need to be ‘scheduled,’ or specifically insured to be covered.
If you are evacuated from your home or if it is damaged by an earthquake and you cannot live in it during that time, your additional living expenses will be covered.

Let's Build a Solid Foundation
AIS Insurance Specialists are available to add Earthquake Insurance to your existing Homeowners, Renters or Condo Insurance policy. Rates vary significantly depending on location and proximity to earthquake-prone areas. We’re here to find you the lowest rates for the most valuable coverage available. If you don’t already have a Homeowners or Condo Insurance policy, speak with one of our Insurance Specialists today.
Additional Insurance Coverages
Wouldn’t it be great to save money insuring your automobile, home, condo, or renters policy with your outdoor vehicles and other assets under one roof? AIS is the insurance specialist who finds affordable coverage for various products. We compare the best rates from our trusted carrier partners, so you know you’re getting the best protection for the best price at no additional charge.